Novi Stars Wiki

Welcome to the Novi Stars Wiki

Welcome to the space Wikia about the cutest, coolest, out of this world newest dolls!

You can help this wiki by adding pics, fixing up grammar, adding your knowledge, or even adding new pages. To do this simply click on "Contribute" in the top right corner, then click "Add A Page".

Please feel free to contribute, and if you already have an account then please login before you do so, we would like to know who was contributing. We would love for you to contribute because we want to know what on earth is going on!

Due to increased spam and screws up, anyone who wishes to edit must now become members of the wiki.


Please follow them to ensure this wiki stays fun and safe for anyone of all ages!

  1. Please watch your language.
  2. Do not Spam or Flame hate messages.
  3. NEVER upload adult oriented/non-work safe pictures.
  4. Please take grammar into consideration before making any edits.


  • Wave 2 of the Pod Pets has been released.
  • The original rumors claiming of two new dolls Meti Tallick and Dis Coe have since been removed. As well as Ali Enn's playset. However, there are still rumors involving two new fashion packs.
  • Novi Stars is currently in risk of being in a series hiatus. If you would wish to try to help out, sign this petition that can be located on LimeARose1's page.